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Christina on Dream Singles!
Christina ID: 10961592
I am sociable, friendly and kind. I like helping people. I love animals. I have pets. I dream to...
Yana ID: 10967923
I am very kind, feminine and affectionate person. I am very loyal and honest and have never betrayed...
Yana on Dream Singles!
Olga on Dream Singles!
Olga ID: 10964984
My goal is to enter the Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, yes, I know that my age is...
Jessika Lenin ID: 10964689
I am a gentle, kind and sometimes naive girl. I really am sometimes too infantile in my dreams and...
Jessika Lenin on Dream Singles!
Violetta on Dream Singles!
Violetta ID: 10964346
I'm a very usual woman. I wish to know my future man better and tell him more in real life. I'm not...
Jimena ID: 10963547
I'm a very simple woman and I have a few things to say about myself, I'm young, yes, but I'm a...
Jimena on Dream Singles!
Natalia on Dream Singles!
Natalia ID: 10962641
I am a young lady, but want to meet a man i will feel on the same wave with, not an easy request to...
Olesia ID: 10962412
Here I would like to write the main Competences and key Qualifications, but I want you to personally...
Olesia on Dream Singles!
Irina on Dream Singles!
Irina ID: 10961691
I am kind, a little bit introvert. I am open and trust people, although my trust has been abused in...
Ekaterina ID: 10961201
I am a clever and serious woman. I like clever and kind people, I know what I want in my life....
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
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