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Lilia on Dream Singles!
Lilia ID: 10955204
Actions speak better than words, so I am not sure what to tell, but I am a simple ordinary girl....
Marina ID: 10954737
I am a very bold girl! I'm here to build happiness. Inside me a lot of love, tenderness and...
Marina on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 10954168
Just now I live for 3 countries. My cousin sister move to Florida and start her life there. And my...
Zlata ID: 10954144
I am very kind, smily, a little bit shy and introvert. But I am also a good friend who is ready to...
Zlata on Dream Singles!
Aleksandra on Dream Singles!
Aleksandra ID: 10953912
As my friends say that I am the soul of the company, and I am a very bright and kind person, I try...
Anna ID: 10953904
I am active, purposeful and curious. I love learning new things and experimenting. I am not afraid...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 10953867
I am a free and confident girl. I work as a private entrepreneur in my store of flowers. I don't...
Tatiana ID: 10955735
I love ballet and theater very much. Once I heard an opera live and now I want to go a second time...
Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Valeria on Dream Singles!
Valeria ID: 10954384
I am very easy-going, smily and kind person. I am sometimes naive and tend to believe in everything...
Laura Dolores ID: 10953984
I am a very feminine, sensitive and sometimes vulnerable lady. I am quite emotional, but I always...
Laura Dolores on Dream Singles!
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