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Valentina on Dream Singles!
Valentina ID: 10951277
Amazing, inspiring, sometimes even a little crazy! These words describe me best. Filling my life...
Tatiana ID: 10948669
I cannot dream. I set goals and achieve them. Sometimes I do volunteer work, I help orphanages....
Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Natalia on Dream Singles!
Natalia ID: 10951173
Both of my parents are Ukrainians, well it looks like I am too ha-ha. I was born in Ukraine and...
Anna ID: 10950712
I like to walk in a park, I like to travel. Even small trips bring me incredible pleasure. I...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Oksana on Dream Singles!
Oksana ID: 10950672
I am rather kind, honest and sympathetic girl. My friends say that I am naive but I do not think so....
Anna ID: 10950352
I am tender and passionate. I am kind and responsive. I am honest and loyal. Family values are...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Vladislava on Dream Singles!
Vladislava ID: 10949411
Let's leave our past behind. The future is so much in perspective, it's bright, happy and full of...
Lilia ID: 10949073
I am positive, friendly, the soul of the company, an extrovert. I can find a common language with...
Lilia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 10948901
A native Ukrainian who is full of ambitions and goals. It is always difficult for me to talk about...
Maria ID: 10948420
I am trying to improve and to better myself every day. I adore learning. I love getting new...
Maria on Dream Singles!
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