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Daria on Dream Singles!
Daria ID: 10942015
I'm very romantic, but inside me there is a strength and power. I'm person that want to be loved and...
Anna ID: 10938556
I am a very smily, positive and open person. I like sharing my good mood and my smile with other...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Daria on Dream Singles!
Daria ID: 10946855
I am very sociable, friendly and communicative. I like talking about everything and nothing. But I...
Ludmila ID: 10939187
My plans are to continue traveling. I have already visited more than 20 countries and do not plan to...
Ludmila on Dream Singles!
Maria Fernanda on Dream Singles!
Maria Fernanda ID: 10939178
I am a kind, bright and cheerful girl! I like humor, I like to dance and fill life with vivid...
Marina ID: 10948045
I am always very kind and affectionate to the man I'm with. I love to show my affection through...
Marina on Dream Singles!
Natalia on Dream Singles!
Natalia ID: 10942235
I am an honest girl. I could end here, because what else do you need to know about me? Honesty is...
Andrea ID: 10941823
I am a family lady, in some situations I have quite conservative views on life, but naturally within...
Andrea on Dream Singles!
Zhang on Dream Singles!
Zhang ID: 10940084
In my free time I meet friends and drink my favorite drink tea, I like to walk in the park and look...
Alexia DesirEe ID: 10939285
The most important thing is to learn how to enjoy your life. Force yourself to think about what...
Alexia DesirEe on Dream Singles!
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