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Karina on Dream Singles!
Karina ID: 11119629
As you can see in my profile I am a policewoman. I believe that it is my duty to protect my homeland...
Karina ID: 11119489
I am a purposeful and active girl. I really like my profession and I would like to get the status of...
Karina on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 11119301
I have a dream! I want to travel, to travel with the person I love by my side, to see new places and...
Ekaterina ID: 11118513
I am serious and mature. I am hard -working and creative. I love my job. I launched my own brand of...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Jin Yun on Dream Singles!
Jin Yun ID: 11117400
Looking at my profile, you may think that I am too young for serious relationships, but it is not...
Alina ID: 11114821
I enjoy watching comedy shows and developing my humor. Do you know how to make jokes? I can't...
Alina on Dream Singles!
Regina on Dream Singles!
Regina ID: 11109679
I am a very cheerful person. I love spending time with my friends, I love traveling and walking in...
Julia ID: 11109297
Can you imagine me in a medical gown? Do you think he would suit me? I ask this question for a...
Julia on Dream Singles!
Alina on Dream Singles!
Alina ID: 11120534
I do not want to be verbose, but I can say with confidence that I am a reliable and confident person...
Julia ID: 11119809
I am an active and cheerful girl. Self-sufficient and responsible. I work as an office manager. In...
Julia on Dream Singles!
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