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Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 11109297
Can you imagine me in a medical gown? Do you think he would suit me? I ask this question for a...
Anastasia-Anna ID: 11101786
I am positive, I am full of optimism and have a good sense of humour. I never give up and I achieve...
Anastasia-Anna on Dream Singles!
Ella on Dream Singles!
Ella ID: 11101649
I recon that the sense of living is to get new emotions and enjoy an intensive life. I traveled a...
Darina ID: 11101195
I am a serious, mature, responsible person. I always bear responsibility for my words and actions. I...
Darina on Dream Singles!
Laura on Dream Singles!
Laura ID: 11110318
Oh, it's really difficult for me to talk about myself and evaluate myself objectively in any way! I...
Ekaterina ID: 11109446
I always do what I say, this is my principle in life. I enjoy my life! I am open and honest, I was...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 11109269
I am a sweet, tender, kind, passionate and feminine. I am serious and responsible. I am intelligent...
Julia ID: 11108765
I would like to live in different countries, travel as much as possible, buy a house. Have a big...
Julia on Dream Singles!
Izabella on Dream Singles!
Izabella ID: 11107826
I am a fourth-year law student. But not by choice. The stereotype that blonde girls are stupid...
Yanina ID: 11104693
I love to dance and cook delicious food. I especially like to combine it. I love to travel very...
Yanina on Dream Singles!
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