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Vladislava on Dream Singles!
Vladislava ID: 10649418
I am young but I have already achieved a lot. I work as deputy director and head of logistics...
Yana ID: 10651319
You met once straightforward people who do not know how to lie at all. do they say what they think?...
Yana on Dream Singles!
Daria on Dream Singles!
Daria ID: 10647138
My roots are from Ukraine. My dad is 54 he is in military, my mom is 44 she is a housewife. I have...
Olga ID: 10641418
I like to meet new people and enjoy healthy conversations. I like reading, if you could advice me...
Olga on Dream Singles!
Maria on Dream Singles!
Maria ID: 10640522
I am kind, compassionate, responsible, hard-working. I set my goals and never give up before I...
Aida ID: 10649789
I am intelligent, calm, kind, easy-going, charming woman. I avoid arguing and never rush into...
Aida on Dream Singles!
Mary on Dream Singles!
Mary ID: 10646797
I like to travel. Ohh, it is very difficult for me to list all the countries and cities where I...
Inna ID: 10644964
I am a woman who knows what she needs. All my life I have been looking for myself. All my life I...
Inna on Dream Singles!
Olga on Dream Singles!
Olga ID: 10642613
I stick to my moral values in life, for me the most important thing in life is family! I am kind and...
Ludmila ID: 10642030
I love nature and everything natural. Including my own beauty, I am sure that nature has already...
Ludmila on Dream Singles!
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