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Olga on Dream Singles!
Olga ID: 10641418
I like to meet new people and enjoy healthy conversations. I like reading, if you could advice me...
Maria ID: 10640522
I am kind, compassionate, responsible, hard-working. I set my goals and never give up before I...
Maria on Dream Singles!
Christina on Dream Singles!
Christina ID: 10637523
I really enjoy spending time with friends. They are my second family and support. I love to gather...
Alina ID: 10636218
By my character, I am a naughty angel, sometimes I can be so sweet like a kitten but sometimes I am...
Alina on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 10634413
I consider myself a purposeful, sympathetic, romantic girl. I love cooking, go to the gym, I love...
Maria ID: 10633975
I am a real optimist, I like to smile and give happiness to this world. My parents call me "smile"...
Maria on Dream Singles!
Kamila on Dream Singles!
Kamila ID: 10632455
I am positive, optimistic and kind. I am polite and compassionate. My mom learnt me to be always...
Olga ID: 10642613
I stick to my moral values in life, for me the most important thing in life is family! I am kind and...
Olga on Dream Singles!
Ludmila on Dream Singles!
Ludmila ID: 10642030
I love nature and everything natural. Including my own beauty, I am sure that nature has already...
Diana ID: 10640397
I am kind, generous and loyal. I never lie. My mom taught me to always be polite and honest, and I...
Diana on Dream Singles!
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