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Valeria on Dream Singles!
Valeria ID: 10598045
I am very positive and optimistic person. I am always ready to support and to cheer up. I am very...
Alina ID: 10597442
I can say about myself that I am a well-mannered and calm girl. It is hard to take me out of myself,...
Alina on Dream Singles!
Alina on Dream Singles!
Alina ID: 10610180
I am a very sincere and honest person. In childhood, I learnt that lieing is a very bad thing and...
Christina ID: 10609992
I am goal-oriented, hard-working and optimistic. I always achieve the goals I set for myself. I love...
Christina on Dream Singles!
Maria on Dream Singles!
Maria ID: 10606302
I am a woman with a sincere heart, a slender body, charming eyes and a sweet smile. I love doing new...
Diana ID: 10606218
I am goal-oriented and motivated. I always achieve my goals and never stops. I love taking care of...
Diana on Dream Singles!
Elizaveta on Dream Singles!
Elizaveta ID: 10601169
Determination is something I walk side by side with throughout my life's journey. I also always...
Julia ID: 10600316
I was born and raised in the wonderful city of Mariupol, almost all my life was spent there. But I...
Julia on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 10599570
I am a homely and decent girl. I was brought up in a full-fledged traditional family. This is why I...
Elizaveta ID: 10599431
I am a very interesting and creative person. I have lived my whole life in a positive way and try to...
Elizaveta on Dream Singles!
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