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Alina on Dream Singles!
Alina ID: 10597442
I can say about myself that I am a well-mannered and calm girl. It is hard to take me out of myself,...
Daria ID: 10590470
In childhood, I wanted to be a model, but something went wrong and I forgot about this dream. As you...
Daria on Dream Singles!
Jeanette on Dream Singles!
Jeanette ID: 10588834
I love not quite standard music, I love skydiving, maybe that's why I strive for more and sometimes...
Alina ID: 10587387
I adore my work, I repair hair and make woman happy. My dream is open my salon of beauty and buy a...
Alina on Dream Singles!
Victoria on Dream Singles!
Victoria ID: 10586928
I am kind and open, I always try to help people. I am sure that kindness works like a boomerang and...
Magnuna ID: 10586814
I am an honest and hard-working person. This is how my parents raised and I am grateful for that....
Magnuna on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina ID: 10586584
I am romantic, sweet, feminine. I am also honest and am a woman of my word. I love traveling and my...
Anna ID: 10592058
What to say about myself? I am honest, faithful, when you need my support I will give it! A lady who...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Marina on Dream Singles!
Marina ID: 10591752
I have my own private beauty studio. I work as a permanent make-up artist and hair stylist. Studied...
Christina ID: 10591578
I like to read a lot of literature, I also like to cook Mexican food. I am a family woman, so I...
Christina on Dream Singles!
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