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Victoria on Dream Singles!
Victoria ID: 10582262
I play many roles in my life - daughter for parents, boss for my employees, sister, aunt, friend,...
Ekaterina ID: 10583357
I am a very easy going person who likes to be kind and make people smile. I don't drink and don't...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 10582907
I am cheerful, sympathetic. As you noticed, I am a veterinarian and I love animals. I have a small...
Natalia ID: 10582605
I have a very important quality that distinguishes me from the rest, I know how to listen and...
Natalia on Dream Singles!
Natalia on Dream Singles!
Natalia ID: 10582449
There is something I keep deep inside always and probably you can guess what it is. Can't you? You...
Ruslana ID: 10582047
I am an active, cheerful, friendly person. I have a creative and driving nature. I love traveling, I...
Ruslana on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina ID: 10578182
I love to travel. Since I was little I had the opportunity to travel around the world, for which I...
Elena ID: 10583494
I am calm and balanced, funny and perky. The world is different and you need to accept it the way it...
Elena on Dream Singles!
Karine Claudina on Dream Singles!
Karine Claudina ID: 10579994
I have a big kind heart and sincere soul. I love my life very much, I love the people that surround...
Ahnieta ID: 10578413
I am a simple girl without pathos. I love to read books, mainly in psychology. I love recreation in...
Ahnieta on Dream Singles!
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