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Taisia on Dream Singles!
Taisia ID: 10539497
I like to travel. Before the outbreak of hostilities, everything was much simpler. I managed to...
Yana ID: 10538631
I have been working hard since my school age. In school, I learned to always be the best at...
Yana on Dream Singles!
Ludmila on Dream Singles!
Ludmila ID: 10537598
I like to develop myself, to learn new things and I am always ready to go forward, no difficulties....
Diana ID: 10532955
I am a cheerful, active, gentle girl, I like to actively spend my time, I like to go hiking in the...
Diana on Dream Singles!
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 10529005
I love to help and to be useful for other people. I like participating in charities, first trying to...
Elizaveta ID: 10539451
I like to cook, European cuisine and traditional Ukrainian (borscht, dumplings, etc.) I am actively...
Elizaveta on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 10538901
I am cheerful kind and charismatic. I have 2 children. I like to travel, I dream to travel more....
Svetlana ID: 10538698
I'm sure I'm getting better every day. I like to live every day bright and interesting. I'm not...
Svetlana on Dream Singles!
Alina on Dream Singles!
Alina ID: 10538376
I think that I am a very simple person with whom it is easy to find a common language. I can hold a...
Egana ID: 10537933
I will not describe myself as the best for everyone, and you need to stop your search on me. I am...
Egana on Dream Singles!
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