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Oksana on Dream Singles!
Oksana ID: 10521307
I have to a few countries in the world, so i like different types of food, and traveling. I like...
Vladislava ID: 10518155
Creativity and realism! These two elements fought in me for a long time. But I learned to attach...
Vladislava on Dream Singles!
Irina on Dream Singles!
Irina ID: 10517944
I am sweet, gentle, smiling. But at the same time I have a core. I always achieve my goals. My...
Ivanna ID: 10515723
I am a free, sweet and frank girl. I always liked tongues most of all in life. I can probably call...
Ivanna on Dream Singles!
Christina on Dream Singles!
Christina ID: 10515533
Since childhood, I have been a very sociable and open person, I like new acquaintances and I am...
Aizhan ID: 10521744
I am a very honest and just person, that is how my family raised me. I do not stand lies and...
Aizhan on Dream Singles!
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 10518456
Like all girls, I dreamed of becoming a princess as a child, but as I grow older, my understanding...
Veronika ID: 10515881
I am a very kind, honest, and positive girl, with a beautiful sincere smile. I believe in the...
Veronika on Dream Singles!
Maria on Dream Singles!
Maria ID: 10515718
I am a simple and modest girl, with my dreams and goals. Purposefulness is my middle name. I work a...
Ludmila ID: 10515365
I am a good, kind and sympathetic girl. I am a young mother. I have a higher education. Now I am...
Ludmila on Dream Singles!
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