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Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 10060690
I love to learn and am always ready to learn something new. I have a very interesting profession and...
Anna ID: 10060614
I am a very optimistic person. My mood is rarely bad, usually I am cheerful and positive. I love to...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 10060601
I am very kind and empathetic! I always try my best to help those in need. I can't stand seeing...
Boying ID: 10060273
I am sure every profile is like a cover of a book and I wanted to make mine a beautiful one. Also I...
Boying on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 10060688
I am a very kind and honest person. I dream to meet a true love and to live a very happy life...
Ying ID: 10060604
It seems to me that the age at which I am is ideal for marriage and family creation. I am a...
Ying on Dream Singles!
Qianna on Dream Singles!
Qianna ID: 10060548
I am a multifaceted person, I like to know my inner world and develop in different directions. I am...
Yuling ID: 10060519
I am a cheerful girl, leading an active lifestyle: dancing, snowboarding, surfing, gym. I love both...
Yuling on Dream Singles!
Yuya on Dream Singles!
Yuya ID: 10060508
Life is too short to do anything less than to live it to the fullest and enjoy every minute. My big...
Xiaorong ID: 10060498
I feel and love myself as a woman inside and out. I like to be feminine, gentle and playful. As soon...
Xiaorong on Dream Singles!
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