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This email is for Randolph Fitzgerald because you signed up for this service.


My dear Randolph,

I urge you to follow this link and listen to my message.

It’s even more than fabulous … there’s big changing events waiting for you!

Yes! I’ve a wonderful means to master your future … and I want to give it to YOU!

The Oracle of Phoenicia

What is it? What’s it used for? Where does it come from? I’ll tell you everything!

First, it’s a divinatory art.

An oracle is used to discover the future, to predict as well as to receive answers to the questions we ask ourselves about our future.

For example: You’ve just met someone. You like this person, or to the contrary, you don’t “feel” they’re “right”. You can use the Oracle of Phoenicia and know whether you should see them again or evade them!

Another example: You want to move but you don’t know if it’s a good idea, and you don’t know where or when. If you use the Oracle of Phoenicia, you’ll discover the answers you need that guide you to make the right choices.

You can ask everything of this oracle:

  • In love
  • In friendship
  • In the financial area
  • In your professional world
  • Your health
  • The numbers to play
  • Etc…

The list is never-ending! I don’t think there’s anything you can’t ask it.

The Oracle of Phoenicia

really has the answer to everything!!!

This oracle is very special. As its name indicates, it originated in Phoenicia.

As you know, the Phoenicians were an immense civilization, one of the first and greatest civilizations of the world … and the creators of our alphabet. The Phoenicians owe much of their wealth and power to the practice of their divinatory art:

The Oracle of Phoenicia

The wise Phoenicians used it to predict the future and by using it, became one of the most influential civilizations of the time.

I won’t go into details concerning their history, you can easily discover it if you’re interested. What I can tell you is that it’s thanks to a person of my family who’s an historian, that I now have access to this stunning oracle.

We’re one of the few families of clairvoyants who’ve been initiated. Contrary to others, this oracle is very little known and practically secret. Therefore, I hope you realize it’s an exclusive privilege I’m presenting you.

It’s with this mystic oracle that you’ll finally discover the meaning of peace!

Yes … you’ll experience:

The end of doubts.

The end of questions.

The end of hesitation.

The end of apprehension.

The end of anxiety for tomorrow and the future.

The end of having your mind filled with problems!

To live in peace, isn’t that the ultimate indulgence? To no longer be plagued with worries and questions … that’s living in happiness. That’s exactly what I want for you, from the bottom of my heart.

I know that too often you have problems falling asleep … your mind’s full of questions with no answers, full of worries … full of doubts…

You often feel a knot in your stomach because you don’t know what tomorrow will bring, you don’t know what to do, you ask yourself: "What mess will I find myself in next?”, don’t you.

Yes, I can even feel it while I’m telling you this.

I’ve decided to offer you the oracle today for a very special reason. We await the arrival of a new supermoon.

What this means for you is a tremendous outpouring of your birthright of Abundance!

What better way to recognize and embrace this abundance than by using the Oracle of Phoenicia to understand the Abundance you're entitled to, and to balance the tremendous flow of energy. The Oracle of Phoenicia can help you advance your destiny, provide advantageous answers, and even give you insight to unblock areas now closed to this rare energy flow.

The properties of the supermoon will be so intense that they’ll last for a week.

However, you should know that if you make the decision to accept my offer immediately, you’ll be able to benefit from the fullness of its magnified energies. The Oracle will remain greatly effective for you however, the tremendous energies that could release all blockages will be gone.

Don’t let doubt or fear hold you back from receiving what’s yours. Take time to go within and reflect … then say yes to my offer for your Oracle.

Before I leave you, I want to reassure you that this divinatory art is very easy to use. I’ve personally simplified it especially for you.

Well, here we are, I’ve told you everything! Follow this link and I will send your Oracle of Phoenicia.

Your Medium,


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