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Antonina on Dream Singles!
Antonina ID: 10205390
Ukrainian language teacher by profession. Now I am in Poland, studying marketing, copywriting,...
Olga ID: 10205091
I am from a conservative family and I have traditional values. My parents taught me to respect...
Olga on Dream Singles!
Teona on Dream Singles!
Teona ID: 10202758
The best thing for a person is his actions and I believe in it. I'm in the first place in this...
Maria Estefany ID: 10207719
I think that profile doesn't show a real person and their intentions but so far at least you can see...
Maria Estefany on Dream Singles!
Arailym on Dream Singles!
Arailym ID: 10204854
I am pretty easy-going and very kind. I never argue and can find a common language with almost...
Anna Carolina ID: 10204239
My work as a designer brings me a lot of pleasure and inspiration every day, and I actually do my...
Anna Carolina on Dream Singles!
Diana on Dream Singles!
Diana ID: 10204103
I am good beautiful young girl who looking for honest and lovely gentleman. I am a confident and...
Vladislava ID: 10203220
I am a free and relaxed girl who always prefers to be at work. Basically in my life I spend all my...
Vladislava on Dream Singles!
Irina on Dream Singles!
Irina ID: 10201166
I am a very bright and open person! I love to help people! Sometimes my kindness brings me...
Ekaterina ID: 10204570
My best friends say that I am a reliable and understanding person. I am an educated and intelligent...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
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