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Diana on Dream Singles!
Diana ID: 10189561
Since childhood, I was very assiduous, attentive, and patient. In addition, I have a responsive and...
Ivanna ID: 10187624
I love simple things in life. Nature inspires me, gives me energy for the next day. I just like to...
Ivanna on Dream Singles!
Qilan on Dream Singles!
Qilan ID: 10187272
I am a woman who knows what she wants and I'm not afraid to go for it. I am a fun, energetic and...
Ximeng ID: 10186967
I consider myself an integral woman with excellent principles and values. Currently I work...
Ximeng on Dream Singles!
Yaqi on Dream Singles!
Yaqi ID: 10186939
hope that looking into my eyes you already understand that I'm a very cheerful, sensual and sincere...
Ting ID: 10186908
I will be so glad to love and be loved. I'm a kind, intelligent, charming, interesting, educated...
Ting on Dream Singles!
Suyue on Dream Singles!
Suyue ID: 10186882
I'm a person who can be critical towards herself. I know that I'm not perfect at all, I'm not made...
Anrong ID: 10186857
I am a woman dedicated to my partner and to my home. I love open spaces, family harmony, feeling the...
Anrong on Dream Singles!
Jiaojiao on Dream Singles!
Jiaojiao ID: 10186840
I am active and energetic and it is great for me to be busy with something during the day. I love...
Menglu ID: 10186822
I believe that people aren't as old as it is written on passports, but as they feel in their souls....
Menglu on Dream Singles!
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