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Yaroslava on Dream Singles!
Yaroslava ID: 10145795
I am very kind and smiling. What I love the most is making other people smile. I do not stand...
Christina ID: 10154850
I am a very kind, romantic and sincere girl. I have empathy and always try to help. I detest pain...
Christina on Dream Singles!
Claudia on Dream Singles!
Claudia ID: 10151984
I love traveling and discovering new places, new traditions, I think I will have something to show...
Anna ID: 10151955
Besides traveling I love sports, walking with friends, photographing nature, and listening to music....
Anna on Dream Singles!
Aliona on Dream Singles!
Aliona ID: 10149431
I am a purposeful, kind, caring lady. I have a good sense of humor. I am reliable and I want my man...
Anastasia ID: 10149303
I am young and creative, but I have dreams and goals for future. I don't wait that someone will do...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Victoria on Dream Singles!
Victoria ID: 10149017
If you are looking for a truly loving and caring woman - you are on a right page. I am tired of...
Darina ID: 10154165
There are many qualities in me, although it is not modest to talk about myself like that. Sometimes...
Darina on Dream Singles!
Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Tatiana ID: 10153905
I am a sincere and open woman who is not here for fun! Let all this be a thing of the past. Now I...
Hong ID: 10153474
I am responsible, energetic, and active and I love life. I would describe myself as a positive, kind...
Hong on Dream Singles!
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