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Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Tatiana ID: 10134685
I am a hard-working, diligent and responsive person. I like a lot helping other people, and I am...
Eva ID: 10131929
Life developed in such a way that I had to leave my homeland, I left Ukraine and moved for life in...
Eva on Dream Singles!
Elena on Dream Singles!
Elena ID: 10134983
I am a simple and easy going person. I am kind, caring and gentle. I am open minded and believe in...
Julia ID: 10134556
I am very kind and responsive. I have a kind heart and I am trying to help people. I want to...
Julia on Dream Singles!
Olga on Dream Singles!
Olga ID: 10131648
I am kind and smiling girl! I love making people around me happy and smiling! I enjoy life. I adore...
Alina ID: 10140588
I'm a very self-motivated, enthusiastic, communicative, and energetic person who loves this life and...
Alina on Dream Singles!
Olga on Dream Singles!
Olga ID: 10134420
I believe strongly that I am one of a kind of a woman, I am full of life and desire and this desire...
Valentina ID: 10132731
A simple, ordinary person with a big heart. That's how I can describe myself if I'm quick on my...
Valentina on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 10132685
I like to be open in thoughts and ideas, I like to take on things with passion and to be honest, I...
Andriana ID: 10134224
I would like to meet a nice grounded smart, loving person who only has eyes for me. I don't like...
Andriana on Dream Singles!
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