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Elena on Dream Singles!
Elena ID: 10125451
I am a progressive, honest and kind person. I love life very much and want to do everything I can to...
Olga ID: 10131648
I am kind and smiling girl! I love making people around me happy and smiling! I enjoy life. I adore...
Olga on Dream Singles!
Polina on Dream Singles!
Polina ID: 10129539
Like I said I'm a pharmacist, I can sell you any pharmacy drug. I am very active, cheerful and...
Violetta ID: 10129147
When I was a child, my mother took me to a fortune-teller and she told me that I would have a...
Violetta on Dream Singles!
Ludmila on Dream Singles!
Ludmila ID: 10128807
I am a simple girl that living and enjoying every single day of my life. I have 2 diplomas. First...
Lygia ID: 10127975
Are you looking for a woman with big ambitions? Oh yes! That's me! And I really have big ambitions...
Lygia on Dream Singles!
Christina on Dream Singles!
Christina ID: 10127940
I'm sure people have fun with me. I always smile. Maybe it's strange? I studied psychology at the...
Jane ID: 10126835
My current ambitions are way too high. But I believe that this is how you can succeed. For the next...
Jane on Dream Singles!
Polina on Dream Singles!
Polina ID: 10125972
I am a kind-hearted, absolutely genuine, sympathetic and romantic nature. I am a real optimist. I...
Victoria ID: 10127612
I am a gentle and calm girl. I will say that I do not say a lot of unnecessary words, but in my...
Victoria on Dream Singles!
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