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Olga on Dream Singles!
Olga ID: 10105131
I am a woman that doesn't need much to be happy I feel like. But of course I am in a need of a man...
Sofia ID: 10098844
I'm really an ordinary person and everything that I want from my life is to be happy, yeah, I guess...
Sofia on Dream Singles!
Marta on Dream Singles!
Marta ID: 10105291
The most important thing you need to know about me is that I set a goal for myself at a young age....
Svetlana ID: 10099455
I work as publicist in one famous magazine. I like my job and what I do. I moved to America more...
Svetlana on Dream Singles!
Maria on Dream Singles!
Maria ID: 10099425
I am actively involved in sports, in particular I practice meditation, running and yoga. I work as a...
Karina ID: 10096850
I have a kind and gentle heart, so I protect people close to me. I know that there is no universal...
Karina on Dream Singles!
Natalia on Dream Singles!
Natalia ID: 10105627
I had a simple and happy childhood. I grew up in a full family, we spent a lot of time together. Fun...
Anna ID: 10103783
I am real woman which has real wishes. I am not going to waste your time because i think that time...
Anna on Dream Singles!
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