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This email is for Randolph Fitzgerald because you signed up for this service.


My dear Randolph,

I have an interesting proposition for you today. It won’t take me long to explain the reasons for this message. If you want to get straight to the point, I recommend you watch the video that I recorded especially for you Randolph: here it is!

You’re very certainly wondering why suddenly you’ve become the center of my attention and I won’t make you wait any longer. Yes, you see, I’ve contacted you because I have the project of passing on to you certain abilities that you could use in your everyday life. I’m speaking of Fundamental Divinatory Abilities that we call in the circle of mediums, FDA.

The FDA don’t require you to possess a gift of double vision nor even to be extra-lucid to use them, which means that someone without mediumistic abilities like you Randolph, could quite easily learn to use them.

So, after having received the opinion of the wise men, I received their agreement to train 3 people to master the FDA. And the good news Randolph, is that I’ve chosen you to be among these 3 people that I wish to train shortly.

I imagine that this morning when you got up, you weren’t expecting such a proposition from me! I could bring you the Fundamental Divinatory Abilities to:

  • Anticipate the future while prospering from beneficial occasions.
  • Have realistic intuitions that would enable you to succeed financially. 
  • Discern right from wrong facing questions or problems of your everyday life. 
  • Know how to make the right decision when confronted by a dilemma. 

Yes my dear Randolph, that’s right! Thanks to the FDA, your life could be easier, more interesting and more enriching.

If this idea pleases and delights you, then: I suggest you answer me on this link to begin your Training of the Fundamental Divinatory Abilities.

With all my affection.


Your Medium and Protector

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