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Yana on Dream Singles!
Yana ID: 10091712
I like traveling very much! I traveled a lot for work as I work as an English teacher and my...
Lia ID: 10091435
I have traveled a lot since my early childhood and thanks to this I can speak English fluently. This...
Lia on Dream Singles!
Yana on Dream Singles!
Yana ID: 10092657
In addition to work and travel, I have other hobbies in my life. I really like to cook culinary...
Anastasia ID: 10091551
I do self-development, yoga, strip dancing. I am fond of psychology, psychosomatics. I work with...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Karina on Dream Singles!
Karina ID: 10096850
I have a kind and gentle heart, so I protect people close to me. I know that there is no universal...
Anastasia ID: 10092257
I am always shiny, happy and smiley, because I know that if you smile to life than it will...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Oksana on Dream Singles!
Oksana ID: 10090356
I believe strongly that I am one of a kind of a woman, I am full of life and desire and this desire...
Olga ID: 10089058
It is difficult for me to find a partner in my country, because my appearance is considered unusual....
Olga on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 10088917
Right now I am trying to learn Spanish. I really like this language and think that it sounds really...
Aliona ID: 10088737
I am a kind, and positive person. I work as event organizer. I like singing and want to join the...
Aliona on Dream Singles!
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