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Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 10084672
I can describe myself as a positive and smiling person! I work for an event management company,...
Anna ID: 10084314
I am a very straightforward person and prefer to tell a person the truth, but I will never be rude...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 10086457
I am a kind, loyal, sympathetic, sincere, and generous person. I'm fond of traveling. It's the best...
Valentina ID: 10085632
Hello, somewhat creative, with a lot of imagination, dreamer, fun, enterprising, outgoing, committed...
Valentina on Dream Singles!
Natalia on Dream Singles!
Natalia ID: 10085568
Hello, I am a risky woman, I am not afraid of changes since they are necessary to find what one is...
Katherin ID: 10085478
Hello, I am an active, didactic, affectionate, kind, attentive, funny, enterprising, dreamer woman,...
Katherin on Dream Singles!
Jenniffer on Dream Singles!
Jenniffer ID: 10085394
Hello, I am a kind, romantic, dreamy, enterprising, talented, cheerful, fun, honest, proactive,...
Carmen ID: 10085199
Hello, I am a calm, responsible, serious, faithful, honest, enterprising, affectionate, romantic...
Carmen on Dream Singles!
Annalisa on Dream Singles!
Annalisa ID: 10085081
I am kind, calm, affectionate, attentive, romantic, charismatic, I have a quiet family and social...
Alejandra ID: 10084858
I am a calm, responsible, attentive, honest woman, I like to study, work and prepare daily, I...
Alejandra on Dream Singles!
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