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Alina on Dream Singles!
Alina ID: 10078338
My name is Alina. I have been dancing since the age of 3 and I love this business with all my heart....
Valentina ID: 10077506
I am Ukrainian who moved to Spain 3 years ago. I like my country, but I was offered a good job in...
Valentina on Dream Singles!
Christianna on Dream Singles!
Christianna ID: 10076696
Eleven years ago I opened two studios of massage! Believe me, I am really good in it. Woman with...
Elena ID: 10076193
I am very kind, smiling and easy-going person. I do not stand lies and deception. I also do not...
Elena on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 10079212
I am a kind girl, I am actively involved in sports, I love to cook. I like outdoor activities, I...
Anastasia ID: 10078600
I lead an active lifestyle, I like to walk a lot in the fresh air. I love the smell of the sea...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Svetlana on Dream Singles!
Svetlana ID: 10078449
I like to communicate with people older than myself, as I can support various topics, discuss any...
Ngu Yen Thi ID: 10078015
I consider it my greatest achievement that I remain real. I always follow my soul and my heart and...
Ngu Yen Thi on Dream Singles!
Bui Thi Dieu on Dream Singles!
Bui Thi Dieu ID: 10078005
I think I am a very gentle and loving woman with a big heart. I am mature enough to know what I...
Trinh Linh ID: 10077862
Merry lady who is playful and smiles a lot and enjoys even simple small moments of our wonderful...
Trinh Linh on Dream Singles!
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