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Aliona on Dream Singles!
Aliona ID: 10073591
As a psychologist I can professionally say that I am a very pleasant person to talk to! I do not...
Daria ID: 10071763
My character is very calm and patient. I can wait and I am always optimistic. One of the main...
Daria on Dream Singles!
Maria on Dream Singles!
Maria ID: 10070446
I am very kind and sincere. I never lie. This is how my parents raised me. They taught me that lies...
Margarita ID: 10072625
I think I am a person of good character: honest, kind-hearted, and I care deeply for the people I...
Margarita on Dream Singles!
Svetlana on Dream Singles!
Svetlana ID: 10072294
I am lonely woman who made her path only by herself. My parents helped me while I was a child. They...
Victoria ID: 10071493
I am a psychologist and my work brings me great pleasure and also quite a good profit. Thanks to...
Victoria on Dream Singles!
Rita on Dream Singles!
Rita ID: 10070880
I consider myself a positive and open person. I'm not used to weaving intrigues or immersing myself...
Maria ID: 10070374
I am kind, honest, caring, smart and most importantly wise! I have a calm character, for which I...
Maria on Dream Singles!
Bui Thi Dieu on Dream Singles!
Bui Thi Dieu ID: 10078005
I think I am a very gentle and loving woman with a big heart. I am mature enough to know what I...
Trinh Linh ID: 10077862
Merry lady who is playful and smiles a lot and enjoys even simple small moments of our wonderful...
Trinh Linh on Dream Singles!
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