Thank you for your inquiry about a free FHA Loan Consultation.

Based on the information that you gave us, your credit score may fall below the minimum mortgage guidelines. We are pleased to inform you that Credit Innovation Group will assist you in raising your credit score to meet the federal mortgage guidelines.

The knowledgeable credit consultants from Credit Innovation Group can offer you a free consultation and advice which will get you well on your way to obtaining the home that you desire. A higher credit score will not only help you qualify for an FHA loan, it will also allow you to get a better interest rate on your loan, saving you thousands of dollars!

We appreciate the opportunity in assisting you with your mortgage loan and look forward to doing business with you in the near future. A representative from Credit Innovation Group will be contacting you shortly.

If you need immediate assistance, please call them directly at 800-257-4867 also

Support Team 

What is so Important is Your Credit Score!

If you have not gotten your updated Credit Score yet, we recommend you do that now before speaking with your lender. This will allow you to make sure there are no errors that could be affecting your score which could cost you money. Click here to get started.


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