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It seems you haven't had the chance to watch my video in which I tell you about your very promising future. I'm putting the video back on this link, click here.

However, if you can't watch it don't worry, you only need to read this e-mail to the end. You'll be glad you did!

First, let me tell you that I'm very satisfied by the free reading I made for you. I hope you've had as much pleasure in reading it as I had in writing it.

Our encounter couldn't have happened at a better time. Why? Because the life opening up to you within the coming months can be RADICALLY different from the one you are living now. You can believe me! I'm absolutely certain!

While drawing up your free reading, I was able to discover several events in your near future that could be decisive… if you recognize them.

I'm telling you this because several Major Conjunctions will occur in your Astral Chart, in the coming weeks and months. You must AB-SO-LUTE-LY not miss out on them!

If you want me to I will draw up, for you, the Great Oracle of the Tarot. In it I'll reveal EVERYTHING you need to know in order to change the course of things in your favor.

Among other things I will tell you in detail:

  • Which days will be the most favorable to try your luck
  • Which numbers correspond to the key dates of your Birth Chart and which ones to avoid
  • Which days will be the most favorable to undertake actions in the Financial or Social fields, even in your Love life
  • And so many other things…

The list is far too long to specify everything here and now!

You can be sure that for YOU, I'll make all the necessary calculations. Honestly, if what I've seen when making your free reading is confirmed, Luck with a capital "L", will make a sensational entrance into your life!

So, will you open the door to Luck? Or will you leave it on the doorstep?

This life you want so much is now within reach. I'm convinced that the light at the end of the tunnel is close for YOU!

However, I must tell you something disturbing that I clearly saw in my vision when I was making your free reading.

This thing that I need to tell you, I'm sure you're already aware of:

You were, how to say it, "bewitched", just a short time after your birth.

Yes, it seems that someone in your surroundings was jealous of you and has blocked your path.

This sort of thing happens a lot more often than we think. Sometimes, it only needs someone to stare at you with envy to give you what we call the "evil eye".

It's not easy for me to tell you this, but I must say it anyway because it's my duty:

I'm certain that someone has stolen YOUR life, YOUR promised destiny.

That's why you're often anxious about your future! This future that's waiting for you tomorrow is not the one you should have had!

You should already be living a life of ease! Instead, you're living a life full of anxiety for tomorrow, a life in which each day is difficult, and where you're often sad.

When I think of everything you've missed out on all this time, tears come to my eyes. Honestly, how sad! What a waste!

But I'm here now. We still have time to repair this injustice and recover the reins of your Destiny. We must TAKE ACTION! Believe me, I give you my word that:

I'll do EVERYTHING, absolutely EVERYTHING in my power to help you.

The first thing I'm going to do for you is to divide my fees by 10 and present you with this great reading that will do you so much good!

I can tell you that I don't make this sort of promise to just anyone, far from it…

This Great Reading will guide you towards all the good things you deserve.

I'm doing this for you, and only for you, because I feel a profound psychic affection for you.

It's not too late to find happiness… so long as we're breathing, it's never too late!

I'm waiting to hear from you, as soon as possible, because the sooner we start working together, the sooner you'll be walking towards success… I mean running towards success!

Click on this link to request your Great Oracle of Luck, of Love and of Money.

I'm sending you all my affection and I'll be back soon.
