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Very dear Randolph,

First, let me tell you how happy I am to be able to help you, because you are a very deserving person. How do I know this? Quite simply because I was able to make contact with you for a long time while making your Free Clairvoyant Reading.

Do you believe in Destiny? Would you be surprised if I told you that your request for this reading is one of the best moments of your life?

Well, I'm not going to keep you in suspense any longer… Randolph. What I discovered by consulting your Astral Chart was quite simply incredible, I'd even say :


For this reason, I decided to reveal to you my revelations directly on a video:

 I invite you to discover by clicking here

Randolph, I SAW several IMPORTANT things about you, and the first thing I can tell you is that:

You're going to be able to become very RICH


To answer your question, click HERE

Randolph, if you can't watch my video then read this carefully. In a few days, there's going to be a Unique Astrological Event, probably not ever seen before on your Astral Chart:

A Triple Planetary Conjunction

You must not miss out on this event for any reason. It can radically change your life and I want you to know that I will be here to help you reap the benefits. Also, it seems that a person other than me, one who lives very close to Baltimore, will also bring you great support in the future.

Can you see who this could be?

If you can't see who, it's not important. You just need to know that this person will intervene in your near future.

Randolph, I must also tell you that while I was making your Clairvoyant Reading and picking the cards, I was able to notice just how much you have missed out on your Destiny.

I'm saying this because I was able to see rare and surprising details in your Astral Chart. Randolph, you're probably not aware of this, and yet…

YOU have an EXCEPTIONAL path in life

You're probably thinking: "Yes, right… If I had such an exceptional path, I wouldn't be where I am today." Am I right?

And yet, I can assure you: You have a Destiny worth some of the Great Fortunes of this world.

So, why are you not living the life that should be yours?

Randolph, there are several reasons for this, but it would take too long to explain in detail, as I would need to spend several hours to analyze everything.

However, let me tell you what I have already been able to see, and the little I have seen is already ENORMOUS in the truest sense of the word.

Randolph, let me explain: Perhaps you won't believe it, but you were, how to say it, "bewitched" a short time after your birth.

It seems that a person close to your parents was jealous… and obstructed your path.

This sort of thing happens a lot more often than we think. Sometimes, it just needs someone to stare at you with envy, and by doing so, gives you what we call the "evil eye".

Randolph, it's not easy for me to tell you this, but I must say it anyway because it's my duty:

I'm certain that someone has stolen YOUR life, YOUR chosen destiny

At present, you should be leading a life of ease! Instead, you're living a tiresome life where the end of the month is often difficult, and where sadness is often present.

When I think of what you've missed out on during all this time, tears come to my eyes. Honestly, how sad it is! What a waste!

Randolph, it's time to repair this injustice. It's time to recover the reins of your Destiny. We must TAKE ACTION and believe me, you have my word:

I will do EVERYTHING, absolutely EVERYTHING within my power to help you!

Randolph, I can tell you that I don't make this sort of assurance to just anyone, far from it… As you can see, I'm not so young anymore, and working for so long on a case literally exhausts me.

What moved me when drawing up your Birth Chart was this solitude in which you find yourself. This is also what I felt when I made contact with you. I even thought "but how can Randolph be so alone, while surrounded by people?”

While writing to you, a phrase comes to mind. I don't know whether you know it, so I'll recite it:

"The most difficult thing is not growing old alone, it is growing old with people who make you feel alone"

This is exactly what I feel when I think of you. I can see up to what point you feel misunderstood. You've done so much for others without receiving anything in return: ZERO gratitude.

Even more than that, I can see that you feel you've often been duped, and this feeling… well, you are right to feel it. Honestly, it breaks my heart to see you living this way, and that's why I would like to help you.

I also know that you have this indescribable impression of not being where you should be, of not knowing where your place in life is. That's quite normal, Randolph. It's even COMPLETELY understandable because:

You're living ANOTHER LIFE than yours!

I repeat: Together we will do EVERYTHING possible to repair this injustice.

I've just realized that I've been writing to you for a lot longer than I thought and I'm smiling. Why? Because at this moment, I realize that I'm speaking to you as if we have known each other for a very long time. This is really the feeling I have, Randolph!

Now, we are going to proceed to the analysis of the cards I picked for you because this is what you asked me for in the beginning, isn't it? So, here we are, I used the method of picking two cards amongst the major arcanas for each of the following domains:

  • Finance
  • Love
  • Relationships


Concerning the financial domain, the 2 cards I picked are:

  • The Magician


When this card is picked, it's the sign of the beginning of a new action or a new opening that shows up.

  • The Star

This card is intimately linked to the idea of hope. The Star leads towards a better future. It is a sign of renewal, even of re-birth.

These cards indicate an excellent Potential of Success in the domain of finance

I know that you have precise objectives in mind, and I can just advise you to go ahead. The cards have spoken, and they tell you that the path is open.



Concerning the domain of love, the 2 cards I picked are:

  • The Card with No Number

This card announces great upheavals and new things. It's obvious that something significant will happen.…

  • The Lovers

This card announces encounters. It also foretells important phases where will need to make the right choices.

These cards indicate that there will be a clear change in your love life.

Superficial aspects or uncertainties in your love life may have disappointed you and prevented you from going forward. Randolph, you have suffered much from love, a lot more than you've shown on the outside. However, I advise you not to close the door. More than anything: learn how to better show your feelings.



Concerning relationships, the 2 cards I picked are:

  • The Hermit

It indicates isolation. Consequently, it means that you are living a time of crisis, or a time of questioning. You will live a period of introspection where memories can return and the past reappear.

  • The Fool

This is a card that symbolizes the potential you have that can be developed at any moment. The Fool represents the idea that it is worth trusting in people and that life can be very favorable - if we trust and exchange things with others.

These cards indicate a mistrust towards others that must be worked on

I had several visions in which I could see many people disappointing you. I suppose that is why you don't have a lot of friends. Luckily, there are still a few people you can count on and trust in but, I can see that you don't have much trust in others anymore.

Randolph, it's true that we can't count on everyone. However, there are wonderful people, and it would be a shame not to meet them because you put up barriers.

To summarize:

Your future has tremendous luck and many chances in store for you.

Randolph, perhaps you have trouble in believing this because of what you have experienced in life up until now. Yet, I can assure you that:

YOU have MARVELOUS potential for Luck!

If you haven't already done so, I suggest you click on this link and listen to what I have to tell you.

It's time for you to believe in this present from Destiny because you've been living in doubt and insecurity for too long. Some events were inevitable, but others could have been avoided, that's for sure! You have missed out on many possibilities, but we can't live in the past. On the other hand…

…We CAN prepare the future.

Randolph, trust in your Destiny and have confidence in YOURSELF. What I've been able to see of your future tells me that EVERYTHING is still possible, and EVERYTHING can change for the best.

It's never too late!

As for you, you must be receptive to beneficial Influences. It is by opening your mind and by following your intuitions that you will be able to understand the message that Providence is sending you.

Here we are, Randolph, I've told you everything for the moment. I am waiting impatiently for your request for the Great Clairvoyant Reading. You just need to click here.

Your Friend,
