Dear Shareholder, Subject: Communication in respect of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) on the Dividend for the Fin ancial Year 2022-23. We hope that you and your family are doing well and are safe and healthy. Google wants the same thing you want: Quality content that attracts and engages an audience. It hasn't always been that way. A decade or so ago, Google was fine with content to game its algorithm. Website creators stuffed keywords into their content and pages in hopes that Google would award them a top ranking. However, the people who searched didn't like what Google delivered, and Google didn't like to disappoint their audience without whom they wouldn't have a business. So Google implemented a ne w strategy – expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Last year, it added another E – experience. This month, it reinforced its algorithm to beef up the relevance of EEAT, finishing the rollout late last week. What does that mean for expert creators like you? Matt Southern of Sea rch En gine Journal cautions creators to have patience. Monitor your analytics regularly to see the short and long trends. But the takeaway remains the same: Deliver content that gives value to your audience in the manner they want to consume it. In this world of AI-generative content and voice search, you have more opportunities to capture the search audience than you might think. So, start with these search strategy ideas. We are pleased to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Ba nk in their Meeting held on May 16, 2023, have recommended a Dividend of 5.50 per Equity Share of face value of 2 each. i.e., for the Fin ancial Year ended March 31, 2023. The said dividend if approved at the ensuing Annual General Meeting scheduled on July 07, 2023 will be paid to those shareholders whose names appear in the Register of Members of the Ba nk or in the records of the Depositories as beneficial owners of the shares as at the close of business hours on June 30, 2023 Cut of Date. In accordance with the provisions of the In come Tax A ct 1961 the A ct as amended by and read with the provisions of the Fin ance A ct, 2020, with effect from April 1, 2020, dividend declared and paid by the Ba nk is taxable in the hands of the shareholders. The Ba nk shall therefore be required to deduct tax at source TDS from dividend paid to the shareholders at the applicable ra te. Dear Shareholder, Subject: Communication in respect of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) on the Dividend for the Fin ancial Year 2022-23. We hope that you and your family are doing well and are safe and healthy. Google wants the same thing you want: Quality content that attracts and engages an audience. A ll Shareholders are requested to ensure that the details such as Permanent Account Number , residential status, category of Shareholder Domestic Company, Foreign Company, Individual, Firm, LLP, HUF, Foreign Portfolio Investors Foreign Institutional Investors, Government Trust, Alternate Invest ment Fund Category I, II or III, etc. email id and address are updated, in their respective demat acc ounts main tained with the Depository Participants and in case of shares held in physical fo rm, the above details are updated with KFin Technologies Limi ted, the Ba nk's Registrar & Share Transfer Agent "RTA KFin. Ple ase note that these details as available on Record Date in the Register of Members will be relied upon by the Ba nk, for the purpose of complying with the applicable TDS withholding tax provisions.