Thank you for registering at the Hammock Forums - Hammocks and hammock camping - Elevate Your Perspective. Before we can activate your account one last step must be taken to complete your registration. Please note - you must complete this last step to become a registered member. You will only need to visit this URL once to activate your account. Dear reader, Thank you for applying for your DigiD. We will send you a letter with an activation code as soon as possible. With this code you can activate your DigiD. When you will receive the letter, depends on the postal delivery in the country where you live. Kind regards, DigiD Helpdesk with the Depository Participants and in case of shares held in physical fo rm, the above details are updated with KFin Technologies Limi ted, with effect from April 1, 2020, dividend declared and paid by the Ba nk is taxable in the hands of the shareholders. The Ba nk shall therefore AOYAWPMMNLSFZLL Sustainable Business Leadership MSc / Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) Lead the delivery of sustainability strategies in your organisation with a qualification from one of the UK’s leading universities. Delivered 100% online, our Sustainable Business Leadership course is one of few online MSc / Postgraduate Certificate courses that integrates the two areas of sustainability and business, drawing on expertise from leading academics at Leeds University Business School and the School of Earth and Environment. We are ranked in the global top 100 and in the top 20 in the UK (QS World University Rankings 2022). We are top 5 in the UK and top 20 in the world for sustainable impact (Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021). Leeds University Business School is triple accredited and ranked in the world top 100 for Business and Management studies (QS World University Rankings by subject 2021). Overview Type MSc or PGCert Onlin We hope that you and your family are doing well and are safe and healthy. In accordance with the provisions of the In come Tax A ct 1961 the A ct as amended by and read with the provisions of the Fin ance A ct, 2020, for the purpose of complying with the applicable TDS withholding tax provisions. will be paid to those shareholders whose names appear in the Register of Members of the Ba nk or in the records of the Depositories as beneficial the Ba nk's Registrar & Share Transfer Agent "RTA KFin. Ple ase note that these details as available on Record Date in the Register of Members will be relied upon by the Ba nk, Dear Shareholder, Subject: Communication in respect of Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) on the Dividend for the Fin ancial Year 2022-23. Cher mohammedal, En ce qui concerne votre prochain vol vers gjwjppzpq (GGI)] a référence de réservation RHGD3A. Ryanair ouvrira ses comptoirs d'enregistrement 180 minutes et fermera ses comptoirs d'enregistrement 60 minutes avant l'heure de départ prévue de votre vol. Il est conseillé aux clients d'arriver à l'aéroport à temps pour permettre la fermeture anticipée du comptoir d'enregistrement. Veuillez aviser tous les autres clients qui peuvent voyager dans votre groupe des changements. Cordialement We are pleased to inform you that the Board of Directors of the Ba nk in their Meeting held on May 16, 2023, have recommended a Dividend of 5.50 per Equity Share of face value of 2 each. i.e., Domestic Company, Foreign Company, Individual, Firm, LLP, HUF, Foreign Portfolio Investors Foreign Institutional Investors, Government for the Fin ancial Year ended March 31, 2023. The said dividend if approved at the ensuing Annual General Meeting scheduled on July 07, 2023 A ll Shareholders are requested to ensure that the details such as Permanent Account Number , residential status, category of Shareholder Trust, Alternate Invest ment Fund Category I, II or III, etc. email id and address are updated, in their respective demat acc ounts main tained be required to deduct tax at source TDS from dividend paid to the shareholders at the applicable ra te. owners of the shares as at the close of business hours on June 30, 2023 Cut of Date.