Correct errors on your credit report, but beware of credit washing An error on your credit report can bring your score down, so be sure to review your credit reports annually. You are entitled to a free copy of your credit report from each of the three credit bureaus once a year. Visit to download your reports and review them to make sure there aren't any accounts that don't actually belong to you, erroneous late payments or other mistakes. If you do find an error, dispute it directly with the credit bureaus. But watch out for "credit washing," a practice in which some credit repair companies file false identity theft claims to temporarily boost a consumer's score. "That claim often leads to the item in question being removed from the person's credit report (at least temporarily) while the claim is investigated," says Schulz. "That removal often bumps up the person's credit score." But once the claim is flagged as fraudulent, your score goes back down–and the credit repair company already has your money. |
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