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Alina on Dream Singles!
Alina ID: 11127296
My life is full of surprises and events! Where I just didn't live and what I just didn't do. In the...
Darina ID: 11127074
I am very positive and optimistic person. I love life and want to enjoy it. I like to laugh and I...
Darina on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 11126730
I am romantic, kind, motivated, hard-working. I work on my business and career. In addition to being...
Tatiana ID: 11124130
Now dancing is my hobby and the activity which helps to keep my body in a good shape. I can't...
Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Tatiana ID: 11124067
I was born and raised in Ukraine, and I come from one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in...
Karina ID: 11119629
As you can see in my profile I am a policewoman. I believe that it is my duty to protect my homeland...
Karina on Dream Singles!
Karina on Dream Singles!
Karina ID: 11119489
I am a purposeful and active girl. I really like my profession and I would like to get the status of...
Anna ID: 11119301
I have a dream! I want to travel, to travel with the person I love by my side, to see new places and...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina ID: 11118513
I am serious and mature. I am hard -working and creative. I love my job. I launched my own brand of...
Aleksandra ID: 11127413
I work and provide myself. I prefer simple life, I never been interested in money or something like...
Aleksandra on Dream Singles!
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