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Elena on Dream Singles!
Elena ID: 11049742
I am a very smily and positive woman. I like sharing my smile with other people. I have empathy and...
Valeria ID: 11051260
I really appreciate interesting communication and will always find topics for discussion with any...
Valeria on Dream Singles!
Solomia on Dream Singles!
Solomia ID: 11050516
I am very kind and caring sweet lady who will take care of you. I know that I'm not an angel and I...
Maia ID: 11049997
I am fond of vocals and now I work as a vocalist. I like the field of journalism and I hope that...
Maia on Dream Singles!
Nadezhda on Dream Singles!
Nadezhda ID: 11049848
I am sincere, open and frank. I have no hidden thoughts and I prefer saying directly what I want. I...
Elena ID: 11050935
What is a woman? It's a million of shades of the rainbow, that appears after a long-lasting...
Elena on Dream Singles!
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