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Polina on Dream Singles!
Polina ID: 11046138
I am a very honest, frank and hard working. I always achieve my goals. I never loose a good positive...
Valeria ID: 11049200
I really like to think that the meaning of life is to live life brightly, beautifully and to feel as...
Valeria on Dream Singles!
Taisia on Dream Singles!
Taisia ID: 11049092
I like to travel. I just love to experience these bright and new emotions from new places. Most of...
Angelina ID: 11049026
I love my job, but sometimes it can be quite difficult. No matter how hard I try, but the emotions...
Angelina on Dream Singles!
Emilia on Dream Singles!
Emilia ID: 11047099
Never had relations with man. Only friends. Traveled a lot - Thailand, Georgia, Israel, Italy,...
Elena ID: 11049177
I just love to travel. It seems to me that in a past life I was definitely a fish - how great I feel...
Elena on Dream Singles!
Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Tatiana ID: 11046312
I'm pretty a simple person, really. I like spending time with my family and friends, and I love...
Vladislava ID: 11045718
I am very active and love active leisure life. I love to travel I have been to Denmark and visited...
Vladislava on Dream Singles!
Alina on Dream Singles!
Alina ID: 11046731
I am a very family focused woman. My family is now really small just me and my adult child but I am...
Anna ID: 11045169
I am an adult woman, I already have life experience, and I know for sure what mistakes I will not...
Anna on Dream Singles!
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