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Victoria on Dream Singles!
Victoria ID: 11042177
I am a cheerful and positive girl. I have a warm relationship with my parents. I would like to...
Steffi ID: 11041621
I am a very balanced, wise and harmonious woman who has clear ideas and goals for life. My closest...
Steffi on Dream Singles!
Aleksandra on Dream Singles!
Aleksandra ID: 11041211
I am very open, honest, polite, passionate and caring woman. I like sharing my smile with other...
Anastasia ID: 11042667
I am a simple and easy-going girl. In life I value only good and positive. I work as a psychologist...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Victoria on Dream Singles!
Victoria ID: 11042522
I'm glad you decided to read some information about me. So you are interested not only in the cover,...
Ekaterina ID: 11042394
My plans and goals for life are realization in personal relationships and career. I think I'm being...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Irina on Dream Singles!
Irina ID: 11042176
I am a mature, autonomous, motivated and hard working person. Before war, I used to teach medicine...
Ludmila ID: 11042084
I am caring, strong, I have a good character, I can easily make concessions, show support and...
Ludmila on Dream Singles!
Natalia on Dream Singles!
Natalia ID: 11041318
I am a mature woman, who has been honestly working all her life and raising two children alone. Now...
Diana ID: 11040583
All people around me consider me the soul of the company, but at the same time I am a very calm and...
Diana on Dream Singles!
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