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Stephany on Dream Singles!
Stephany ID: 11026557
I am a very tender and affectionate woman. I like to be calm, live my life in a relaxed way, being...
Glafira ID: 11025944
I love dogs. I can safely be called a dog lover. I love walking her, but I would love to put the...
Glafira on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina ID: 11023792
I am honest, polite, sociable, artistic and creative. I adore learning. I also love learning and...
Maria ID: 11026446
I am in favor of age not being a problem for me since I think it is just a number that does not...
Maria on Dream Singles!
Josefina on Dream Singles!
Josefina ID: 11026397
I am spontaneous, charismatic, confident, reader, speaker, loyal, honest friend, daughter and more....
Dayana ID: 11026214
I believe in balance so I like to read books but I love sports and wild experiences in nature haha...
Dayana on Dream Singles!
Natalia on Dream Singles!
Natalia ID: 11025926
A pretty girl with, romantic nature. I love sports, I love traveling, and I love meeting and...
Adriana ID: 11025529
I am good at sport. My rest depends on my mood, I can sit at home and watch TV shows, I can...
Adriana on Dream Singles!
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 11023932
Kindness and sincerity have always been my greatest virtues, I am very gentle and compassionate, I...
Marina ID: 11025805
I like to walk on the sand by the sea at sunset, I like to camp, swim, take weekends to meditate,...
Marina on Dream Singles!
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