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Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 11017266
I am a purposeful lady. Sometimes I can be stubborn but I do my best to cope with this. I like to...
Irina ID: 11015548
I am a very kind, calm, a little bit introvert person. I am a little bit shy but I am very open and...
Irina on Dream Singles!
Romana on Dream Singles!
Romana ID: 11015245
I came to this online dating site in order to leave with my man in the real world, for which I will...
Maria ID: 11013532
I am a personal trainer and nail technician. I enjoy helping people improve their lives and feel...
Maria on Dream Singles!
Christina on Dream Singles!
Christina ID: 11012947
I like a simple and measured way of life and I don't like to rush or do anything in a hurry. The...
Christina ID: 11012742
Among my goals for life is not only to have a house, a good job, but the main goal at the moment is...
Christina on Dream Singles!
Victoria on Dream Singles!
Victoria ID: 11012211
I am a very open, frank and sincere person. I have nothing to hide and like sharing good emotions...
Anna ID: 11012150
I am a woman who inspires regardless of character and appearance. I am warmth and coziness in the...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 11012108
I am an easy-going, open, and sincere person. I always tell the truth and never lie. I don't like...
Inna ID: 11012107
The most important thing you need to know about me is that I love to travel and I really like video...
Inna on Dream Singles!
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