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Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Tatiana ID: 11004492
I am understanding and caring, true and loyal, generous and spiritual. I always try to listen to...
Alina ID: 11004524
I am a simple girl, I go through life with a smile and go through all the troubles with dignity. I...
Alina on Dream Singles!
Dorina on Dream Singles!
Dorina ID: 11004243
I want to become successful with my own brand, open a fund to help homeless animals. Can't imagine...
Elena ID: 11004086
I am an active and constantly developing girl. I work as an SMM manager. In my free time I am...
Elena on Dream Singles!
Aybek on Dream Singles!
Aybek ID: 11004022
I am a free and young girl. I work as a technical interior designer. The work takes quite a lot of...
Anastasia ID: 11003161
I am constantly engaged in self-development and education, I want to always remain a source of...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Zhuman on Dream Singles!
Zhuman ID: 11004398
Passionate and sincere, tender and feminine lady who really knows how to combine these qualities. I...
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