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Ruslana on Dream Singles!
Ruslana ID: 10998541
I am very diligent, hard-working, serious and motivated! I come from a simple Ukrainian family. My...
Yana ID: 10998277
I know what I want from my life, I work hard, I am very hardworking, I grew up in a simple family,...
Yana on Dream Singles!
Daria on Dream Singles!
Daria ID: 10997574
I was engaged in sales of goods on the Internet, with the help of this I was able to accumulate the...
Ekaterina ID: 10993182
My family raised me to be a cheerful, kind and happy girl, from childhood they instilled in me a...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Aleksandra on Dream Singles!
Aleksandra ID: 10992840
Everyone thinks that models are evil because they are constantly hungry LOL. This is actually a myth...
Aleksandra ID: 10992229
I love setting goals and moving towards them. The process itself can be difficult, but I love such...
Aleksandra on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 10991439
Italy, Poland, Cyprus, Georgia, Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan - these countries are just a small part of...
Vita ID: 10996628
I am a very simple girl who works a lot, gives a lot and does really much for those I love. I am not...
Vita on Dream Singles!
Maria De Los Santos on Dream Singles!
Maria De Los Santos ID: 10993638
I am a very sensual and insightful woman, with a hot temperament and a pure heart. I always feel...
Tamara ID: 10997645
I am a very goal-oriented person. When I set a goal for myself, I go for it 110%. My sense of...
Tamara on Dream Singles!
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