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Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Tatiana ID: 10617618
My credo is to live happily. If you one day ask me what I dream of, I dream of happiness. So such a...
Ilona ID: 10618453
I have lived and worked in Europe for a long time and I realized that most of the people abroad are...
Ilona on Dream Singles!
Evgenia on Dream Singles!
Evgenia ID: 10618353
What can I tell about myself? I have a higher education. Blonde. haha. I was married for a short...
Bogdana ID: 10618170
I am a very simple, kind and sympathetic girl. Most of all I appreciate kindness and positivity in...
Bogdana on Dream Singles!
Victoria on Dream Singles!
Victoria ID: 10616962
I am gentle and courageous, reliable, self-confident girl. I have many hobbies, but most of all I...
Irina ID: 10615556
I am ambitious, optimistic, playful, hardworking and dedicated, intelligent, trusting, honest,...
Irina on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 10615526
I am woman with a fire in a heart and dreams and desires in a soul. I am passionate and I am...
Ksenia ID: 10619489
I have a great sense of humor, I like to joke and even laugh at myself. If it's about beauty, it's...
Ksenia on Dream Singles!
Antonina on Dream Singles!
Antonina ID: 10618345
I am a simple, mature and confident lady. In life I understand and accept only a practical approach....
Lidia ID: 10617758
At the moment I am a practicing psychologist, as well as an organizer of retreat tours in Ukraine...
Lidia on Dream Singles!
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