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Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 10563458
I work as an administrator, this is my main thing that inspires me, I am very sociable, I easily...
Maria ID: 10563313
Well I have a really big heart, I am very creative and interesting person, so my man never will be...
Maria on Dream Singles!
Aleksandra on Dream Singles!
Aleksandra ID: 10563276
At the moment I am trying to keep my sanity and calm - in fact, I am preparing documents for leaving...
Alina ID: 10560866
I like to help and constantly learn something new. I am very trusting, sociable. I really like...
Alina on Dream Singles!
Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Tatiana ID: 10560472
I am very positive and kind. I love making other people smile. I have a good sense of humour and I...
Natalia ID: 10568850
I am reflective, mature woman, I do not rush into anything and take time to make the right...
Natalia on Dream Singles!
Marycruz on Dream Singles!
Marycruz ID: 10564414
I am a woman who allows herself to be captivated by the mind of a person by their words and way of...
Angelica ID: 10564096
I am a disciplined, bold and optimistic woman, these qualities have made me a successful event...
Angelica on Dream Singles!
Sinay on Dream Singles!
Sinay ID: 10563557
I can tell you about me is that I am a cheerful person with a good sense of humor, I am optimistic...
Angelika ID: 10561740
I am a very open person and the main things for me in my life are friends and family. I'm willing to...
Angelika on Dream Singles!
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