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Evgenia on Dream Singles!
Evgenia ID: 10510018
I have achieved certain goals and growth in my career. Therefore, the main goal for the near future...
Alisa ID: 10509828
I am a free, frank and honest girl. Previously I worked as a fitness trainer. For this reason I care...
Alisa on Dream Singles!
Christina on Dream Singles!
Christina ID: 10509709
I love to roam with my dog, enjoy nature, also I like to help my mother cook, or watch my father fix...
Arina ID: 10508818
I myself come from Kharkov but now I live in Kiev. I am an inquisitive and cheerful girl who is not...
Arina on Dream Singles!
Julia on Dream Singles!
Julia ID: 10508484
I like to travel, but unfortunately I can't do it as much as I would like to. I like to visit...
Aleksandra ID: 10508389
I am a calm, reflective person. I like helping people and animals, everyone who might need my help...
Aleksandra on Dream Singles!
Yana on Dream Singles!
Yana ID: 10508292
I am a very sweet and kind girl. I hate arguments and quarrels. I never nag. I am open and truthful....
Alina ID: 10510668
I am a fire girl! I express it in dance with my movements. Would you like to see the dance that I...
Alina on Dream Singles!
Lesya on Dream Singles!
Lesya ID: 10510293
I am a really girl of romance. You know - I am very soft and delicate I cant stand screams and loud...
Victoria ID: 10509283
I'm a woman who's fully prepared for marital bliss. For me, my career is already on the second plan,...
Victoria on Dream Singles!
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