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Yana on Dream Singles!
Yana ID: 10483060
I am a simple, open person, positive, always try to be cheerful not to be depressed, I have been in...
Kamilla ID: 10482915
When I was 7 I cooked my first Borsch, and then my love for cooking started. I dream to find my soul...
Kamilla on Dream Singles!
Christina on Dream Singles!
Christina ID: 10482038
I'm easy-going and like to laugh and have fun, but I am also passionate, ambitious and purposeful. I...
Ekaterina ID: 10477302
I am an easygoing person, open to new experiences and emotions. I am able to find a balance between...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Elizaveta on Dream Singles!
Elizaveta ID: 10476537
I can tell about myself that I am a cheerful person who dreams of creating his own family in which...
Elena ID: 10482254
Welcome to my profile! I'm going to tell you as much about myself as I can so that you can get to...
Elena on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 10475880
I am a free, lively, frank, honest and kind girl. Most of all in life I value the emotions of joy...
Karina ID: 10475689
I am a cheerful, purposeful, cheerful girl, I read quite a lot of books, my father read a lot of...
Karina on Dream Singles!
Ksenia on Dream Singles!
Ksenia ID: 10475011
I love to travel! Yes, I travel a lot in my life, I've been everywhere, USA, Asia, Africa, etc. 230...
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