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Tatiana on Dream Singles!
Tatiana ID: 10457199
I'm peaceful, kindhearted, love to cook. I'm a woman who has ambition in life, who loves to travel...
Ksenia ID: 10458541
I can be flighty, funny, sometimes I can be quite serious, which makes some people think I'm hard to...
Ksenia on Dream Singles!
Ida on Dream Singles!
Ida ID: 10457057
Since childhood, I dreamed of living in the USA, and when I became a student, I decided to study in...
Anna ID: 10455068
I am a very kind, generous and open girl. I love my life, every moment in the circle of close...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Victoria on Dream Singles!
Victoria ID: 10454120
I am a versatile person. I like a lot of things and I am interested in a lot of things. Basically I...
Eirini ID: 10453864
Oh, I am a very versatile girl - you can go camping with me, and the next day to the theater. I am...
Eirini on Dream Singles!
Elena on Dream Singles!
Elena ID: 10453362
I came here to find my happiness because I think I deserve love. I am an optimistic person as I...
Angelika ID: 10452311
I am a very kind person who can win people over with just a smile. My friends call me the most...
Angelika on Dream Singles!
Irina on Dream Singles!
Irina ID: 10451866
I have been too many countries, and keep traveling, as this is also my hobby and I really like to...
Olga ID: 10451493
Lonely woman looking for a man. I have no bad habits. At my age, a woman can also have an...
Olga on Dream Singles!
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