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Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Anastasia ID: 10447060
I was born in Kiev and lived there for 25 years! Due to understandable reasons I was forced to...
Elizaveta ID: 10446205
I am a positive person, I am ready for change, I believe in pure love, and I think that if I meet...
Elizaveta on Dream Singles!
Yana on Dream Singles!
Yana ID: 10446311
I am a kind and gentle girl. In life I value only kindness, beauty and tenderness. In our difficult...
Valeria ID: 10446301
I am a woman with a big heart I came to this site to find an honest man . I value honesty the most...
Valeria on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina ID: 10446232
I'm a woman who loves a good sense of humor, and I like to spend time somewhere in nature, or by the...
Nadezhda ID: 10445448
What can I tell about myself? I am a passionate, kind, sympathetic, and nurturing lady. I am...
Nadezhda on Dream Singles!
Irina on Dream Singles!
Irina ID: 10445043
I am a gentle, kind, sensual, loyal and soft woman, but at the same time I have strength, courage...
Ekaterina ID: 10444978
I am a woman that have big ambitions and great plans for this life. I have 2 diplomas. First...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Veronica on Dream Singles!
Veronica ID: 10444803
I love mountain biking! I am a member of a group of cycling enthusiasts and we often go on weekends...
Anastasia ID: 10444459
I am a small and very interesting girl. I like a lot of things, I love the beach, I love walking, I...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
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