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Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina ID: 10444978
I am a woman that have big ambitions and great plans for this life. I have 2 diplomas. First...
Anastasia ID: 10444459
I am a small and very interesting girl. I like a lot of things, I love the beach, I love walking, I...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Vladislava on Dream Singles!
Vladislava ID: 10443956
I am a simple girl who ran away from the war. Now I am in London and I feel very lonely, I need a...
Anastasia ID: 10437992
I am a young, serious, ambitious girl. I work hard in order to achieve professional success. I am an...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Aliona on Dream Singles!
Aliona ID: 10444126
I am optimistic, positive person. I do not give up and do not let my hands down, despite the war and...
Ekaterina ID: 10442020
I am a creative person, besides the fact that I am a doctor, I do cosmetology, I make girls a little...
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Melissa on Dream Singles!
Melissa ID: 10440394
I am a girl who loves adrenaline and bright emotions! I like everything that can stir my mind and...
Maria ID: 10439843
I would like to describe myself in several words, but if there would be one word to characterize...
Maria on Dream Singles!
Dinagul on Dream Singles!
Dinagul ID: 10439252
My main goal in life is a family! I want to create a strong and friendly family! I want to be a...
Natalia ID: 10437831
I am kind, serious, and responsible woman. I want to meet a man with a similar character, with a...
Natalia on Dream Singles!
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