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Angelika on Dream Singles!
Angelika ID: 10219357
I love to eat and cook, but all my life I hold myself back. Against this background, jokes about...
Anastasia ID: 10217398
I have always dreamt of traveling. I am still burning with this desire and probably that's why I...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina on Dream Singles!
Ekaterina ID: 10216643
I like to discover something new, always with pleasure I go on a trip, because I like to develop...
Camila ID: 10216372
I am a very kind, gentle and courteous girl. I always try to be polite and behave really decently. I...
Camila on Dream Singles!
Yaner on Dream Singles!
Yaner ID: 10221914
I am a simple, understanding, respectful woman, with an open mind to meet new people, new cultures...
Baoyi ID: 10221886
I consider myself an intelligent, understanding and loving woman. I am an adventurous woman who...
Baoyi on Dream Singles!
Lijie on Dream Singles!
Lijie ID: 10221820
In my virtues, what I can highlight is honesty and especially the ability to see in people what is...
Yangxin ID: 10221796
I consider myself a great woman, a good friend and very familiar. I always seek to help others and...
Yangxin on Dream Singles!
Jieyuan on Dream Singles!
Jieyuan ID: 10221781
I am a kind, loving and very happy woman. I am a person who strives every day to be better and leave...
Julia ID: 10217915
No kids, never married but so much wish to finally get a relationship with a decent man. I have not...
Julia on Dream Singles!
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