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Camila on Dream Singles!
Camila ID: 10216372
I am a very kind, gentle and courteous girl. I always try to be polite and behave really decently. I...
Anastasia ID: 10211998
I am one of those people about whom they say "she had an ants in the pants"! I always on the move, I...
Anastasia on Dream Singles!
Marina on Dream Singles!
Marina ID: 10209984
Years later I realized that we cannot describe ourselves by ourselves, because we will only describe...
Lidia ID: 10208437
Do you want to know more about me? I am the kind of person who has a mystery. The more interesting...
Lidia on Dream Singles!
Elena on Dream Singles!
Elena ID: 10217876
I don't drink alcohol at all, but I don't mind if you have a glass of wine or whiskey, I don't...
Elnara ID: 10215951
Welcome to my profile! Here I want to tell you more about me. I am a sincere, sociable, with a good...
Elnara on Dream Singles!
Han on Dream Singles!
Han ID: 10215540
How would I describe myself? The five words that come to mind are these: energetic, respectful,...
Jialin ID: 10215367
A lady who wants to be a muse to only one man. We will create a painting of our love, which will...
Jialin on Dream Singles!
Anqi on Dream Singles!
Anqi ID: 10215294
I think character matters especially if we try to get to know someone online. I can say that I...
Shuqi ID: 10215074
I'm very positive, joyful, talkative, social and fun. With those I love I am super affectionate and...
Shuqi on Dream Singles!
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