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Elena on Dream Singles!
Elena ID: 10181722
It seems to me that I am a mega active person, there is a lot of movement in my life and it is full...
Anna ID: 10181507
I am a connoisseur of beauty and see it in everything .. whether it's a sunset in the Grand Canyon,...
Anna on Dream Singles!
Ivanna on Dream Singles!
Ivanna ID: 10180724
I am a very kind and positive person who always speaks the truth. I don't like to lie and I don't...
Svetlana ID: 10181620
I'm a creative person, I love working with people. I love communication. I have a higher education...
Svetlana on Dream Singles!
Anna on Dream Singles!
Anna ID: 10181394
I am a very active, bright, practical and businesslike person. In my life I try to live for today...
Xiaotong ID: 10180008
I am a romantic person who knows how to be purposeful and caring and encouraging. I am living in a...
Xiaotong on Dream Singles!
Anni on Dream Singles!
Anni ID: 10179998
When I am around my people, my closest friends and family then I can relax and sit down on weekends...
Nuerbiya ID: 10179990
I'm not perfect in the whole universe, but that's if you look at whose universe it is. I'm easy to...
Nuerbiya on Dream Singles!
Yao on Dream Singles!
Yao ID: 10179937
Do you also think that life seems incomplete without love? Are you looking for a reliable companion...
Ting ID: 10179918
Serious and very family-oriented woman. I am very active and have many friends. I like to spend time...
Ting on Dream Singles!
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